The fact that many are treating diabetes without medication is a message that is not reaching those who are of the lower income bracket, there is a very good reason for this problem, and doctors must take some of the blame. High blood sugar is a punishing illness but the damage that the illness does to the body is a message that many are not receiving until it is too late. Treating diabetes without medication with a strict change in lifestyle has benefited millions of people but this message is still not reaching some of the poorer people in not only the United States but the entire world.
The Rich use diet, the Poor use medications
Those of the upper income brackets are often more educated about the fact that much of high blood sugar can be reversed with a very specialized diet, doctors are more apt to advise lifestyle changes over medications to those who are viewed by the medical establishment as medically or scholastically educated.
High blood sugar is not the only illness where we see differences in treatment. Many studies have revealed that those of higher incomes are treated earlier for cancers and heart disease, while the poor are usually screened much later for serious illnesses. Many doctors are suggesting treating type 2 diabetes without medications; but this option is usually suggested to those whom doctors believe are more apt to follow the necessary dietary changes. Many doctors are reluctant to accept the fact that poorer people will make healthier choices.
“It is easier to write a prescription for a person when a doctor feels will not make lifestyle changes”
Income differences and breast cancer screening
American Journal of Medical Assoicate: Low socioeconomic status (SES) is a consistent marker for mammography underuse; women with lower SES are more likely to be uninsured and lack a usual source of care. Compared to their middle-class and wealthy counterparts, low-income women have the lowest rates of breast cancer screening, even when adjusted for race, ethnicity, and insurance status
We have shown with this website that people in over 17 countries have been getting a normal blood sugar without the use of any drugs; this is achieved by using a very natural specialized diet. The diet which was started in Europe is now used by thousands in the United States , Asia and S. America to get a normal blood sugar for over the last 5 years.
See here Type 2 Diabetes Diet cure in 17 countries
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